Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Lakeside Blog Roundup

I'm currently in Rosholt, SD, at my parents-in-law's new place on the shores of Lake Traverse. Getting here was a little interesting. After getting back from flying 6 hours on Sunday, I jumpseated PDX-DEN-MSP on United, with a few delays out of DEN thanks to monster thunderstorms that had everything backed up. The next morning, those same storms had caught up to MSP and delayed by MSP-FAR flight. I didn't get bumped off any flights though, thanks to a Skywest jumpseater who wrote himself a pass rather than take the jumpseat (United only takes one jumpseater regardless of the number of open seats, although this policy is changing in September).

I'll have pictures to post once I'm home, but in the meantime I have nothing very interesting to post. So...let's see what else is going on in the flying blogosphere.

Dave's daily life as major airline captain involves making decisions that impact a lot of people. There used to be a time when a captain's decisions went practically unchallenged, for better or worse. It ain't so today, and there's a lot of CYA involved. Read about one such situation at Flight Level 390.

Glenn Calvin recently passed his sim ride at SWA, and is beginning IOE right now. To paraphrase N.D.: "Jets! Major airline! SWA! Lucky!" Oh yes, get a screencap if you're his 1000th visitor.

Aviatrix is recupurating from an unfortunate auto accident while studying away for her upcoming class at "Ichneumon Airlines." What a coincidence - the ichneumon is my very favorite burrowing mammal of all. Actually, not really. I'd never heard of it prior to reading Aviatrix. Thank you, A, you've broadened my horizons in the burrowing mammal department.

John, freight dog extraordinaire, ruminates on maintenance, Part 135 rest regs, and the coldsoaked coffin with wings that is an iced up Caravan. Check it out at Freight Dog Tales.

Yellowbird has gremlins hiding in her transponder system that have been positively vexing her owner. They also attacked the transponder of an Archer I used to instruct in, but they were very clever at hiding from maintenance personel. They'd typically show themselves only when I was in busy airspace with SoCal Approach. Read about the Gremlin Hunt at Yellowbird.

Speaking of SoCal, Hamish at YAFB recently took the 172 to Santa Monica with some friends of his. Cool pics abound, and his artist chick friend is pretty good looking, too...

Last but not least in the GA department is IFRPilot, who is but weeks away from embarking on a big trip to Alaska. He just got all his charts for the trip. I don't even want to know what all that costed. At least he's going VFR, Jepp charges an arm and a leg for their stuff. When I flew full-time for AMF, I had to buy my own subscription. One year for the Western US only: $300.


Hamish said...

You know, you'll never convince this Californian that South Dakota actually exists, even by pretending to blog from there :-).

Anyway, Artist 1 (the good-looking "artist chick" :-)) and Artist 2 from the Santa Monica trip are a couple (in case you hadn't guessed), and Artist 2 is as fierce as he looks. Beware! (Oh and Artist 1 has an exhibition in that other SD -- San Diego -- right now).

Great pic of Shasta in one of your earlier entries, by the way -- one of my all-time fave mountains. The effect of coming around the corner towards Yreka southbound on I-5 and seeing it suddenly looming there is astonishing. Your photo captured the same sort of effect from the air. My next long-distance trip in the 172 is likely to be to Klamath Falls via Mt Shasta...

Aviatrix said...

The Canadian VFR charts would cost more than the IFR equivalents. That's 4-6 VNCs (sectionals) and maybe a VTA (TAC), depending on the routing, at close to $20 Candaian each. For IFR you'd cover the trip with one or two LOs at about $6 each and the CAP (plates) for BC and Yukon, about $20 each. For either you should throw in the CFS (AFD) for about $25. The expensive part about the IFR stuff is that it expires every 56 days.

Darrell said...

Thanks for the shout-out on my blog. Those charts and books weren't too expensive, relatively-speaking. In fact, the state-specific charts and airport directories were free from the various state Departments of Transportation. Some required a postage-paid envelope, but that's no biggie. We're only ten days away from our scheduled departure, so the frantic pace that precedes any long vacation is in full swing!

Sam Weigel said...

Hamish, I just got done with 26 straight hours of driving, and am going backpacking in the Cascades tomorrow, so I don't have the energy to post photographic proof of S. Dakota's existence. But it will be coming!

Hamish said...

Yeah, yeah, that's what they always say when you ask for evidence -- even more proof that it doesn't exist... :-).

Anonymous said...

i'd like to read the "freight dog tales" blog but it's invitation only.